Course Details

Advanced Engine Performance

1 CR

This course provides students with hands-on practical experience in powertrain diagnosis. This course builds on basic skills and system theory gained in previous courses. PREREQUISITE: 32404381 Engine PerformanceThis course provides students with hands-on practical experience in powertrain diagnosis. This course builds on basic skills and system theory gained in previous courses. PREREQUISITE: 32404381 Engine PerformanceThis course provides students with hands-on practical experience in powertrain diagnosis. This course builds on basic skills and system theory gained in previous courses. PREREQUISITE: 32404381 Engine Performance.

Although I do if I list each field manually. Not an elegant solution and not future-proof with potential changes to the number of fields in the group. Is it also possible to specify the field group by name rather than ID for portability to other sites? Also no field should be displayed if there is no value.

I’m not getting any data displayed using the code below, although I do if I list each field manually. Not an elegant solution and not future-proof with potential changes to the number of fields in the group. Is it also possible to specify the field group by name rather than ID for portability to other sites? Also no field should be displayed if there is no value.

I’m not getting any data displayed using the code below, although I do if I list each field manually. Not an elegant solution and not future-proof with potential changes to the number of fields in the group. Is it also possible to specify the field group by name rather than ID for portability to other sites? Also no field should be displayed if there is no value.I’m not getting any data displayed using the code below, although I do if I list each field manually.

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